
Showing posts from September, 2021
 For the warm up we watch a video about Emily Dickinson and we did a worksheet about analyzing each quotation from Emily Dickinson’s  poems. We looked at a book by Emily Dickinson with selected poems 

write about a question you wished you can ask

I wish I can ask my parents why is they the way the are? I want to ask my dad we’re all his teeth at? 

Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 When my Auntie called my full name, When I use to come home from school. I use to always have a red in my book and I ask my cousin if she can sign the book for me. because I did not want to get in trouble so the next day i’m at school and my teacher looked at me and said this is not your auntie hand written and I said yes it is I don’t know what you talking about so she called my auntie and told her and my auntie said when I get home she was going to get me. so i’m walking home slow because I know what’s about to go down so I get home and she was mad at me and she was just hitting me i’m just crying and my brothers was making funny noises. 

Write about something you can’t deny

I cannot  deny my parents because they put me here. I don’t like the things they did but they will always be my parents. I cannot deny my brothers because they my blood brothers but when they make me I don’t have to talk to them for a week or two. 

Write about something you used to know how to do?

 what I use to know how to do? I use to know how to play spades but now I don’t know how to play.  because I stop for a long time. I stop because I wanted to try new thing and now every weekend I play with my family and I still don’t know how to play. One day I will learn how to play better. 

Write about what you’d planned to do

 What I plan on doing is moving out at 18 to get my own place. Go to college for nursing and I want to help the community. I want to help homeless people and I want to help old people out and kids. I want to get my auntie a house because she done a lot for me I plan to visit china when I get older. and have six kids 

write about something that doesn’t get better

I feel like life will not get better because it is to much killing going on in the world.  Now we are dealing with covid-19. I feel like that’s not getting any better because everybody is still losing their lives because of covid. because people don’t listen